1. Add a business.

After registering, Elsa will ask you to tell us about your business.

Do this by taking a simple survey:


2. “My businesses” page.

After you have described your business, you will be taken to the “My businesses” page. There will be a list of businesses you added.


3. Creating a target audience.

After adding a business, you can determine the Target Audience suitable for your business.

To do this, go to the Target Audience page via the link (https://www.m1-project.com/target-audience) or in the side menu on the site.


Click the green button in the upper right corner, select the business for which you are defining an audience and complete the survey:


4. “Target audience” page.

After completing the survey, you will be taken to the target audience report page.

First you will see a red sign - this means that the description of the target audience is still in the process of being created. This usually takes 10-20 minutes.
